Multi thread - Why we need
- Responsiveness
- Performance
Multi thread, Synchronous and Asynchronous, one of the words you will here a lot.
let's take a simple example
In a supermarket people come and buy product and go to queue and purchase. In a simple scenario, there is one person who buys a large number of items and one with few items. If the customer with large items comes, other has to wait for a huge time.
So can we reduce this ? IF yes --> How ?
In an application we have basically two parts. UI and backend
Looking at that point Responsiveness is more important to UI and Performance in backend. This is where threads become handy
Concurrency - Multi tasking
- Achieved by multitasking between threads
- Concurrency == Multi tasking
Note: Even with one core we can achieve multitasking
One core -> multiple tasks concurrently
more cores -> multiple tasks parallelly
Performance Impact
- Completing a complex task much faster
- Finish more work in the same period of time
- For high scale services
- Fewer machines
- Less money spent on hardware
- More money save | money in pocket
Thread is a part of process and Process may have few components like
- Process Specific
- PID - process Id
- Mode
- Priority etc
- Files
- Data (Heap)
- Code
- Thread ( there can be one or more threads)
each Thread will have
- Stack
- Instruction Pointer
Note: Thread will have its unique stack and Instruction pointer , but rest of the items are shared with in process context
Stack -> Region in memory, where local variables are stored, and passed in to functions
Instruction pointer -> Address of the next instruction to execute
Why we have its own stack and Instruction pointer ?
at given time each thread is executing different instructions in a different function
Summary up to now
Why multi thread ?
Responsiveness achieved by concurrency
Performance achieved by parallelism
Instruction pointer
What thread share
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