ES6 - Javascript standard meant to insure the interoperability of the WEB pages across browsers.
DOM - Document Object Model
When you load any HTML document to browser it will load as a DOM tree. This makes easy to traverse.
Can find easily. - can use XPath on top of DOM
Can DOM manipulation.
In Angular - you should have proper tag structure - if you open , should have a close tag - else will give an error.
AJAX - Asynchronous Javascript And XML
All operation happens without post page. part of the page refresh, without page getting submit.
1. when you post, you have to maintain session and other things properly
2. User experience - user does not like refresh every time
3. performance
4. simplify coding - not state maintain any other complex
Even in Angular - we use AJAX technology.
eg: when you make like in FB, your details being shared-submitted without page refresh.
REST - Representation State Transfer
everything as a resource.
simplicity - mostly JSON, better performance
JSON- JavaScript Object Notation
Use Chrome dev tools
TypeScript*.ts ---> TS Transpiler --> ES6*.js
you can write Javascript code using TypeScript. It will be Transpiled into js
There is a difference between trampler and compiler
Compiler convert High Level language code into machine level code/ byte code only my machine or Os can understand
Transpiler convert code into one language to another language.
why ? my browser understand only JavaScipt, CSS and
That's why we need transpiler. --> ts transpiler
angular is more towards reactive programming.
Nodejs - your development platform. use as tool.
npm - node package manager
lite-server - just a web server
Bootstrap - why we need
does not create additional CSS. brings responsiveness.
Media query - CSS 3
ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association
Karma - unit testing
Jasmine - Framework
Visual Studio Code
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