Saturday, August 3, 2024

Flutter Dart Position and Named Arguments

 Deep Dive: Position & Named Arguments

In the previous lecture, you learned about "positional" and "named" arguments / parameters.

In general, function parameters / arguments (the term is used interchangeably here) are a key concept.

You use arguments to pass values into a function. The function may then use these parameter values to work with them - e.g., to display them on the screen, use them in a calculation or send them to another function.

In Dart (and therefore Flutter, since it uses Dart), you have two kinds of parameters you can accept in functions:

  • Positional: The position of an argument determines which parameter receives the value

  • Named: The name of an argument determines which parameter receives the value

Besides the different usage, there's one very important difference between positional and named arguments: By default, positional parameters are required and must not be omitted - on the other hand, named arguments are optional and can be omitted.

In the example above, when using named parameters, you could call add() like this:


When using positional parameters, calling add() like this would be invalid and hence cause an error!

You can change these behaviors, though. You can make positional arguments optional and named arguments required.

Positional arguments can be made optional by wrapping them with square brackets ([]):

Once a parameter is optional, you can also assign a default value to it - this value would be used if no value is provided for the argument:

Default values can also be assigned to named parameters - which are optional by default:

You can also make named parameters required by using the built-in required keyword:

You will, of course, see these different use-cases in action throughout the course.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Flutter Basics and Let's start to code



Lib -  Contain actual dart files

At start it is “main.dart” file , but as application grows you can create more folder structure

Android, MacOs , Linux, IOS -Folders comes in platforms names as this, contains platform specific files

Typically you do not need to do any changes – Flutter will take of that

Build – important folder – you won’t work here

Output files and temporary files generated by Flutter as it builds your app

Test – contains dart code - test code, automated test code for your app

.idea , .dart_tool – folders start with dot “.” Contains some extra configurations.

.idea – contain some extra configurations for Android Studio

.gitignore – version control file used by Git.  You don’t have to use Git, but don’t delete the file.

-          You cam manage snapshots

.metadata -  managed automatically by Flutter , keep track some internal information, meta data about your project.

You should not delete or Edit the file.

Analysis_option.yaml – configures some Flutter and Dart tooling that is used by code editor

-          To show you warnings and errors in code , before you even run the app

o   Amazing feature to catch errors early

-          You can dive into this file for customize.

Puspec.yml – ignore that -never managed file. You may edit when needed.

-          Add third party packages

-          Add images also – General Information about this project

-          short description about this project and resources



Flutter Code Compilation

From Top to Bottom

Code is compiled by various start and Flutter tools à and translated into native iOS and machine code ( understood by target platform)

Compiled code will executed on the mobile device

Understanding Languages

Two sections

-          Keywords

o   Import / void / const – basically highlighted or colored in Blue (depends on context , in VSCode blue, yellow for return …)

§  Built into programming language , reserved words

§  Have clear Specific meaning

-          Identifiers

o   Word as a developer defined yourself

§  Developed by developers of the programming language

§  To identify specific detail or block

·       Name given to a variable

·       Label in class in the program or function


Editor ( VsCode)

-          Colors for keywords and identifiers

o   Increase readability

-          Highlight error



Write First Code

-          You can edit main.dart

-          Here , we delete and start write from scratch


Start Write

runApp() ;  Ã  Function

-          Funtion

o   Simply instructions that can be executed



runApp() is a function and instructions provided Flutter ( neither written by you nor built into Dart programming language )


-          All about getting App up and running

-          Actually to show some interfaces on the screen

-          But above will give error

-          Why

-          You need to wrap these functions to other Functions

-          We must create a custom function

-          In this case start with void and identifier must be main followed by parenthesis and opening and closing braces


Void main () { }

-          Void  - return type

-          Main – function name

-          { } between opening and closing braces , is Function Body

-          Code should executed when this function executed


              Those Functions are not executed by device (mobile ) or computer on which the code runs, unless you tell computer, device to Run the instructions


-          Using that instruction name

o   Followed by opening and closing parenthesis


Void main() {}  à Defining a function

RunApp() ; à Executing (or calling ) a function


Now Let’s put runApp() inside main

void main(){
              runApp(); -à The function runApp() isn’t defined.


Where should runApp(); come from
Remember runApp(); coming from Flutter. But Code editor does not know?
Goto pubspec.yaml à manage dependencies
This already has dependency for “Flutter”

    sdk: flutter

we need to import à

              import keyword within quotes/double quotes followed by ‘package’ and colon

import 'package:';


Then follow ‘flutter’ 

import 'package:flutter';


use arrow keys to select and TAB to finish.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';



What's the most important folder, in which you'll work most of the time, in a Flutter project?

The “lib” folder

Which file is the entry point for a Flutter application?


What is the main purpose of the Dart compiler?

Convert Dart code into machine code that can run on various platforms

What are functions in programming?

    Sequence of Instructions that perform specific task.

How do you import a package in a Dart file?

    Import “package_name”

Which key "elements" are involved in the startup process of drawing a UI onto the device screen?

    The main function and the runApp() function


Now code looks like


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main(){

But still has an error __-> 1 positional argument expected by 'runApp', but 0 found.


Flutter code build with widgets and you will end up with Widget tree.

1.     Material App -root app require by most other widgets

a.     Scaffold – Screen layout widget that adds base styling and more

                                               i.     Row -  Widget that displays multiple adjacent child widgets

1.     Text – Widget that displays some Text on screen

2.     Text

3.     Text