Sunday, March 26, 2023

Jenkins - Install Plugin manually

 you might work in environment/ company where internet and some of the connections are blocked.

In a scenario, where you would have no option rather than going through manual installation. It's really a hard stuff, but no choice. It's like when you trying to add a dependency to build environment and not allowed where you will end up in adding all the hierarchy of dependencies. Really a night mare and mostly you will hate wasting time for nothing.

Here i will add a few pieces where i would try to add "git" plugin manually.

If you use normal way, it will do it few seconds or minutes time depending on the speed of the internet, but manual installation will not take hours, but days to install a certain plugin.

Plugin : GIT

 Link :


In top right corner , you will see a button “How to Install “

Click and go under 3rd option.


Advanced installation

The Update Center only allows the installation of the most recently released version of a plugin. In cases where an older release of the plugin is desired, a Jenkins administrator can download an older .hpi archive and manually install that on the Jenkins controller.

Jenkins stores plugins it has downloaded in the plugins directory with a .jpi suffix, whether the plugins originally had a .jpi or an .hpi suffix.

If an administrator manually copies a plugin archive into the plugins directory, it should be named with a .jpi suffix to match the file names used by plugins installed from the update center.

From the web UI

Assuming a .hpi file has been downloaded, a logged-in Jenkins administrator may upload the file from within the web UI:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Plugins page in the web UI.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab.
  3. Choose the .hpi file from your system or enter a URL to the archive file under the Deploy Plugin section.
  4. Deploy the plugin file.

Once a plugin file has been uploaded, the Jenkins controller must be manually restarted in order for the changes to take effect.




Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins to re-enable these plugins.

Dependency errors:







Git plugin (5.0.0)

Plugin is missing: workflow-scm-step (400.v6b_89a_1317c9a_)

Plugin is missing: credentials (1189.vf61b_a_5e2f62e)

Plugin is missing: mailer (438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4)

Plugin is missing: ssh-credentials (305.v8f4381501156)

Plugin is missing: workflow-step-api (639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_)

Plugin is missing: scm-api (631.v9143df5b_e4a_a)

Plugin is missing: script-security (1228.vd93135a_2fb_25)

Plugin is missing: credentials-binding (523.vd859a_4b_122e6)

Plugin is missing: git-client (4.0.0)

Plugin is missing: structs (324.va_f5d6774f3a_d)


Now you have to install these plugins one by one.

You can find the all the plugins in below url , this will save your effort finding plugins.
Important : make sure you check the plugin version also