WebSphere is a leading Application server and it has below folder structure
- WAS9\bin - all was commands here. startServer.bat,stopServer.bat
- configuration - configs are kept inside folder structure eg: org.eclipse.core.runtime
- deploytool - itp and scripts(install/ejbdeploy-clear-cache.bat|Unistall/ejbdeploy-pre-uninstall.bat)
- derby -
- dev - JavaEE | osgi|portlet|sca|sip|was_public-9.0.0.pom|xml
- endorsed_apis - javax.j2ee.annotation.jar|jaxb-api.jar|jaxws-api.jar
- etc- config|tmx4jTransform.jar|wim|ws-security
- features -features description inside folders (com.ibm.ws.adminagent_7.0.0.0/feature.properties and feature.xml)
- firststeps - html pages eg: admin console
- installableApps - You may have all installed apps like below.
- AjaxProxy.war
- CacheMonitor.ear
- DefaultApplication.ear
- installedConnectors - sib.api.jmsra.rar| wmq.jmsra.rar
- WAS9\java\8.0 - Java Installed here
- javaext - iwsorbutil.jar
- lafiles - License informations eg: Lic_en.txt|Lic_es.txt|Lic_fr.txt|Lic_in.txt
- lib - all libraries and speciail libs like COBOLCallStubGenerator.zip
- WAS9\links - include file "nls.link" with content path=plugins\\nls\\eclipse
- logs - All log files are here under folder structure. clearClassCache |manageprofiles| postinstall
- optionalLibraries - Optional Libs are include under folder structure eg:Struts under Apache. Like that we might have folder like Apache|IBM|jython|jython21|sca|web2mobile
- plugins - all plugins needed to run was server eg:com.ibm.uddi.jar | com.ibm.websphere.soa.sca.sdo.jar |com.ibm.ws.admin.core.jar
- profiles
- profileTemplates - contains "default" and "managment" and ech may contain actionRegistry.xml| actions|backupRegistry.xml|configArchives|defaulters|deleteRegistry.xml|documents|lib|restoreRegistry.xml|templateMetadata.xml|validators
- properties
- runtimes
- sar2war_tool
- Scheduler
- scriptLibraries
- swidtag
- systemApps
- temp
- tivoli
- uninstall
- universalDriver
- util
- web