you may have a data for date column with timestamp
eg: 2018-03-26 13:40:22.470
let's say you need to check the date eg: 2018-03-26
Then you need to take part of the date string. you have various options, here i use convert()
select count(*)
-- convert(varchar(10),LastErrorOccurredDate,120)
from Mytable (nolock)
where convert(varchar(10),LastErrorOccurredDate,120) ='2018-03-26'
eg: 2018-03-26 13:40:22.470
let's say you need to check the date eg: 2018-03-26
Then you need to take part of the date string. you have various options, here i use convert()
select count(*)
-- convert(varchar(10),LastErrorOccurredDate,120)
from Mytable (nolock)
where convert(varchar(10),LastErrorOccurredDate,120) ='2018-03-26'